Researching, developing and publishing simple new ways of solving our energy crisis
We believe we are unique because we are delivering solutions instead of discussing scenarios.
Well intentioned words and ambitious targets for reducing Carbon emissions are commonplace but can potentially do more harm than good.
To be believable, any targets should be supported with evidence about which solutions are going to be implemented and when, otherwise there can be little or no certainty about whether the claimed solutions are really implementable or not.
As well as being technologically feasible, any solutions need to fit with the social and economic situation. Energy users might not be prepared to reduce their activities and their quality of life at the same time as having to pay more for the reduced amount of energy they will use. Zero Waste Docked Mode (ZWDM) for vehicles would enable the end users to continue to use their vehicles just as much as they always have done, and use the same amount of thermal (heat) energy in their home, but do this at the same time as reducing their overall (vehicle and building combined) energy consumption by around 40%, reducing their energy costs and increasing their disposable income.
One country borrowing money from another so that they can build more nuclear power stations (in coastal areas that are at risk of sea level rise) might simply add to the impending problem of having to relocate coastal power stations. The practicalities of this problem have not yet fully come to light, for example if power stations need to be relocated, do new ones need to be built first and then the old ones can be switched off? The UK is in a position where it is considering building between 3 and 7 new nuclear power stations to cope with the increasing demand for electricity that will arise from growing numbers of electric vehicles.

ZWDM is a simple concept that uses plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to generate their own electricity, produce electricity for upload to the Grid, and produce thermal (heat) energy for the building it is docked to. This not only avoids the need to build any new nuclear power stations, but enables fossil fuel power stations to be turned off. As Professor Bryan Karney from the University of Toronto stated, this is one of the most exciting ideas to come around for a long time and has the potential to be truly revolutionary.
The benefit to the economy of doing this is huge. The cost avoidance of not having to build between 3 and 7 new nuclear power stations (at an estimated cost of £35bn each) is somewhere between £105bn and £245bn. This alone could fund the roll out of the ZWDM system (assuming a cost of £50,000 per household) of between 2.1 million and 4.9 million households. Further cost savings come from being able to reduce fossil fuel energy imports to run power stations that would no longer be required because households would be producing their own using the vehicle as a combined heat and power plant. The value of this runs into £100bn’s per year, cash that can instead be poured into national infrastructure, education, healthcare, and just as importantly, long term sustainable jobs in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of the ZWDM vehicles and docking stations, the technology for which is already commonplace.
Combined heat and power generation (CHP) simply means harnessing the waste heat energy from the engine used to power the electricity generator which can be around 60% of the energy in the fuel used by the engine. Uploading electricity to the Grid for distribution is commonplace and is irrelevant whether this comes from photovoltaic (PV) solar panels or wind turbines (wind mills). Storage of thermal energy is easy and simple using insulated tanks of water which can be located inside or outside buildings, above or below ground, just as tanks of oil or gas are located next to buildings or buried in gardens when they are used as the building’s heating energy supply.
Households adopting ZWDM will benefit from being able to rely entirely on their vehicle to produce all their thermal energy needs and by being able to receive a feed-in tariff for electricity their vehicle generates when operating in ZWDM and uploading electricity to the Grid. Further benefits of ZWDM include the possibility of filtering the gases produced from transport and electricity generation, and the possibility of capturing carbon. This will have positive knock-on effects for the environment and human health because improving air quality will reduce the risk of health problems known to be caused by air pollution.
Freedom From Fossil Fuels has many other solutions to enable a reduction in the use of fossil fuels. We will be developing and demonstrating these to the world in due course. We are close to having the first working prototype of ZWDM to demonstrate this to the world. We give this and all our other ideas away freely for the benefit of everyone everywhere. All we ask is that if any of our work is used then we are cited (referenced) because this will help strengthen our position and help us with our aims of helping to liberate the world from its dependence on fossil fuels including coal, oil, natural gas and shale gas.
We are a not-for-profit organisation. We rely on donations and good will. Please consider helping us if you would like to see us succeed with our aims. Thank you for visiting.
The Trustees of Freedom From Fossil Fuels
- Richard Stacey BSc CEng
- Dr Paul Brennan FRCP
- Jeni Campbell
- Samantha Jones
- Adam Carroll B.A. (Hons)
- Steve Ashton Baker
- Jon Stacey MPhys MSc
- Mary Webb
- Nick West
My decision to accept the role of Trustee for the Freedom From Fossil Fuels Charity stems from my passion to advance the technologies available to us, and those yet to be developed, to allow for a lower carbon future. A lower carbon future is imperative for every living thing on our planet and as an engineer I believe it is my duty to safeguard and guide society towards this goal.
My Experience in the oil and gas industry allows me to bring to the table a considered and balanced view of the energy sector and to ensure that this Charity acts effectively in this domain. I will provide insight to hopefully better inform the decisions of the Charity and will ensure that the actions taken by the charity remain relevant to the purpose of reducing our society’s reliance on fossil fuels.
Until the industrial revolution – when some scientists argue the Anthropocene began – the planet would have been pretty much the same on the day I died as on the day I was born. That is no longer the case: during my lifetime so far, Mankind has seen a significant deterioration in our planet’s health. Five animal species have gone extinct since I was born in the 1960s. The number of many wild animals has reduced by 50%. Global land-ocean temperatures has risen by almost 1°C. These are some of the tangible consequences of human activity, whatever their underlying causes, and however you view such statistics, they are worrying.
I am someone who burns too much diesel in slow-moving traffic queues; I live in part of the UK which is still not served by electric rail; I live in a town with only 3 public electric car charging points; I unwillingly pollute the planet with plastic packaging but have little alternative; and I feel it’s about time to do something before it’s too late. Curing our reliance on fossil fuels seems, to me, to be a good place to start. I hope to bring my ideas, pragmatism and transferrable skills from many years of leading in healthcare.
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face. Extremes of weather, hurricanes, droughts, flooding and wildfires are now the norm. I watch in despair, as I see the damage we are doing to the natural world. As an animal lover, I’m devastated to see the increasing numbers of endangered, and soon to be, or already extinct species.
Unfortunately, there is still a lot of complacency, with many still believing climate change doesn’t really affect them. In reality, we are at a tipping point; a time when we have to act, and it is no longer a choice. According to the UN, we have 12 years to make a real difference. Now is the time to get creative, finding new and innovative ways to reduce carbon emissions and the demand for fossil fuels, at the very least. I believe Freedom From Fossil Fuels can help in achieving these goals, and I find that inspiring.
My interests in saving the planet, reducing global warming, reducing emissions and therefore helping the world become a better, cleaner plance led me to become interested in schemes that would help achieve these goals. Freedom From Fossil Fuels offers hope that there may be a way to reduce human energy consumption to help solve human induced climate change and protect our future.
For many years I was concerned about the future of our planet and our race. I read many books and exhausted all of the sources the internet had to offer but found no realistic solution that would greatly reduce the carbon emissions of human beings. Then I happened upon a book called book ‘Simple New Ways to Solve our Energy Crisis. Part 1: Transport Systems’. The ideas in this book represented what I consider to be the most simple and effective ways to greatly reduce the carbon footprint of human beings.
I quickly realised that the development of these ideas would change the world and I saw it as my duty to help get them into the public domain. The reason I became a Trustee of Freedom From Fossil Fuels is that I believe within this Charity lies the greatest chance of liberation for the inhabitants of this planet.
I became a Trustee of Freedom From Fossil Fuels after reading about how we can revolutionise our out-of-date energy systems in the book ‘Simple New Ways to Solve our Energy Crisis. Part 1: Transport Systems’. I find Freedom From Fossil Fuel’s creativity, enthusiasm and passion for improving our world inspiring and uplifting.
As a Trustee I hope that my abstract thinking and creativity can help Freedom From Fossil Fuels achieve all its objectives as quickly as possible.
As custodians of this precious oasis of life we call planet Earth, humanity is seemingly failing dramatically, locked into a suicidal spiral of an ever-increasing rate of consumption of finite resources driven by free markets and consumerism, the latter being almost entirely dependent on marketing and advertising campaigns that hide the true consequences of our activities from consumers like me and you. The best example of this has to be the use of fossil fuels that continues to go up year on year with increasing ferociousness like a cancer that has been systemically eating away at an organism that is only just starting to feel symptomatic. By providing over 90% of the world’s energy, (and most of the world’s plastics and other key carbon based chemicals that we all unwittingly rely on), fossil fuels are the foundation upon which almost every human activity relies. Solving the problem of needing to use fossil fuels by implementing the ideas being freely offered to the world by Freedom From Fossil Fuels will release unimaginable amounts of cash, which if used wisely, could be used to release resources that could solve almost every problem facing the world today.
As a Trustee of Freedom From Fossil Fuels, I hope my years of professional experience in research and development, technology, science, and process optimisation will help the Charity to demonstrate to the world that not only are solutions available now to reduce the use of fossil fuels, but by implementing these solutions, people’s lives would become significantly better. If Governments, electricity generators and vehicle manufacturers would implement Zero Waste Docked Mode for Vehicles (ZWDM) for example, people in a country like the UK would see many benefits including the decommissioning of most of its coal and gas fired electricity generation, no need to spend over £100 billion on new nuclear power stations to charge electric vehicles (enabling 2 million households to be given a £50,000 grant to adopt ZWDM), households would see up to a 50% reduction in energy consumption worth £1000 to £2000 per year, filtration of all exhaust gases from transport and electricity generation would lead to better air quality and improved health, and so on. The hundreds of billions of pounds a year this would release could be used to create tens of thousands of sustainable energy jobs, and could also be used to improve public services and prevent and cure diseases like cancer. The financial benefits to end users would have significant benefits to their disposable income, so they could work less, retire earlier and afford more of the things they like. Whatever causes people are passionate about supporting, helping Freedom From Fossil Fuels to achieve its charitable aims will have knock on effects that will send beneficial waves throughout the whole of civilisation.
Like millions of others around the world, I have always been rendered speechless by nature…its beauty, wonder, the sheer impossibility of it. Nature is so indescribably wonderful, that the notion of it being taken for granted for so long dumbfounds me. However, the only time we have is the present, and there is an entire world full of hope and intelligent ideas, to restore all that is beautiful. All it requires, is action.
In 2018 I was fortunate enough to meet some of the founding Trustees of Freedom From Fossil Fuels, whose brilliant ideas offer solutions to our current Climate Crisis, making the burning of fossil fuels (which wastes 60% of the energy in the process of burning), almost entirely efficient. By doing this, we will reduce the burning of fossil fuels, whilst working on future developments to become entirely Fossil Fuel-free. The reason I wish to help this impassioned and dedicated team of Trustees in any way I can, is to help their ideas to become a reality, because I wholeheartedly believe in them, and all that is good in people and the world.
Content to follow.
The Purposes
of the Charity
1. To research, develop and publish ideas that could lead to a reduction in the demand for, and use of fossil fuels, including but not limited to coal, oil, natural gas, LPG and shale gas (obtained by ‘Fracking’)
2. To research and develop and freely publish ideas that could lead to a reduction in energy demand and/or energy consumption
3. To research, develop and publish ideas that could lead to a reduction in energy demand and/or energy consumption, particularly ideas that would reduce any form of pollution or waste caused by the supply of, and/or use of, any energy resources
4. To research, develop and publish ideas that could lead to a reduction in the demand for, and use of fossil fuels, particularly ideas that take into account all aspects of the energy supply chain, including but not limited to science & technology, social, political and economic aspects
5. To research, develop and publish ideas that could lead to a reduction in energy demand and/or energy consumption, particularly ideas that would be beneficial to the economy and that would enable people to continue to have the same standard and quality of life and that would not rely on people stopping doing things they want or need to do.
6. To research, develop and publish ideas that could reduce the amount of, and concentration of, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in order to help reduce the rate of human induced global warming and climate change, including but not limited to carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, and methane gas (CH4)
Carrying out the
Purposes of the Charity
In order to carry out the charitable purposes, the trustees have the power to:
(1) raise funds, receive grants and donations
(2) apply funds to carry out the work of the charity
(3) co-operate with and support other charities with similar purposes
(4) do anything which is lawful and necessary to achieve the purposes